Aileen (Given name)
Aileen is a name for girls. The name is a form of Evelyn/Avelyn. Often mistaken for a form of Helen. and originates from Scottisch. On our website 320 people with the name Aileen rated their name with 4.5 stars(out of 5). So they seem very satisfied! Sometimes people write the name wrong. In our language some people struggle with the pronunciation of the name. Abroad this is a perfectly fine name. A nickname for Aileen is "Leenie".
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Meaning of Aileen
The meaning of Aileen is: "Pleasant, Beautiful, The shining".
Aileen♀ 61 years old 08-04-2013★★★★★I am Welsh, Irish and Dutch but was adopted at birth and raised Jewish. My parents didn't know my nationality at the time, so damn if they didn't get it right! :) The only thing I don't like is being called Eileen which happens A LOT!!! Maybe I should use Lisa's song just replace the A with Z and E with S. ;)