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Moroccan names

#Name Meaning
1 AaliaWith great style, sublime
2 AatifCompassionate
3 AbalBriar
4 AbbadBig worshiper
5 AbbudinWorshiper
6 AjwadBetter
7 Al-JasaElisa
8 AllamLearned
9 Aludravirgin
10 AlzahraThe radiant
11 AmaniyyWish, hope
12 AmraneProsperity
13 AmrouAmr
14 Amsahfriendly
15 AmurraIntelligent, smart
16 AnaanClouds
17 AniqNeat, elegant, clever
18 AniqaGraceful, elegant
19 AqilWise, intelligent
20 AqilahThe best husband
21 AreebahSharp, witty
22 Areejpleasant odor
23 AribBrilliant
24 ArifaThose knowledge
25 ArwarhFine, gracious
26 AsalaOriginality, originality
27 AshwaqLove, affection
28 AsilOf noble descent, Real, pure, noble, of high birth
29 AskariSoldier
30 AsrarSecrets
31 AthirFavorite, favorite
32 AttiqNoble
33 AtyafFantasy
34 AyhamImaginary
35 AyserWell-heeled
36 AzeezaRespected, loved
37 AzzaFawn, young deer
38 BaariqExcel, to relieve
39 Badr al Din
40 BadriaWhen the full moon
41 BadriyaWhen the full moon
42 BahaeBeauty, splendor
43 BalighEloquent
44 BalqisQueen of Sheba
45 BandarSeaport
46 BariiInnocent
47 BarirFaithful, loyal, trustworthy
48 BarkadBlessings
49 BassimaWith a smile
50 Batoulvirgin
51 BaysanWalking with pride
52 BazFalcon
53 BenazirUnique, unprecedented
54 BisarAdolescence
55 BoutajeCrown Bearer
56 BuhjahJoy, joy
57 BuhthahFortunately, happy
58 BushrJoy
59 BusrStar, elevation, hill
60 ChafikaCompassionate, sympathetic
61 ChahidaMartyr for Islam
62 ChahrazadThe city submitted
63 ChamaCandlestick
64 CharifaLofty, noble descent
65 ChaymaaChaima
66 ChaymaeChaima
67 ChifaSatisfied consonant, beneficial
68 ChoukriaThank God
69 Choumichasun
70 Da'dOld Arabic name
71 DahbiaGold
72 DaouiaLuminous
73 DarifaCharming, amiable
74 DhakiyIntelligent, bright
75 DhakwanIntelligent
76 DhuhaMorning
77 DirarOld Arabic name
78 DiwanRoyal court, court, justice
79 Diya al Din
80 DjalaleddinGlory of the Faith
81 DuheMorning
82 DulamahLong and black
83 DunyanaOur World
84 DurarPearls
85 Durrahornament
86 DurriyahRadiant, gorgeous
87 DuryaRadiant, gorgeous
88 El BachirThe bringer of good news
89 El HouariBelonging to the Haouara
90 El MadaniThe civilized
91 El MahiHe who cuts through the enemy lines
92 Enasfriendly
93 FaachiraProud
94 FadeelahHonestly, extremely virtuous
95 FahimahIntelligent, brilliant
96 FahimeIntelligent, brilliant
97 FairouzTurquoise
98 FalihWell, happy
99 FaqihWise
100 FarizahArc, arch
101 FathiyahBeginning
102 FatihaEarly, dawn
103 FattouchFatima
104 FawzVictorious
105 FawzaSuccess, on winning
106 FayaazGenerous
107 FayhaAromatic, fragrant
108 FayyadCrossfade, powerful, generous
109 FiddahSilver
110 FikriyahIntellectually, spiritually
111 FirdoosGardens of the sky, sky
112 FizaFaiza
113 FuratSalt water
114 FutunFascinate, enchant
115 Gadwagift
116 GawaherNoble
117 GhaadaElegant, beautiful young woman
118 GhaaliyaPopular, non-monetised
119 GhaliLoved, precious
120 Gharamlove
121 GharibaStrange, strange
122 GharraNoble
123 GhaydaaYoung and fine
124 GhazalFlirt, love be
125 GhinaProsperity, abundance
126 GirgisGeorge, George
127 GoharNoble
128 HabbabPleasant, polite
129 HabeebaDarling, darling
130 HachmiaModesty
131 HadeelCooing of doves
132 HadeeqahGarden
133 HadirThunderclap
134 HafaSoft Rain
135 HafidaProtector (of faith)
136 HakemRuler
137 HakimaCareful, wise
138 HamasEnthusiasm, delight
139 HamdanThanks to God
140 HameedaGrateful
141 HaniefAnyone who rejects false
142 HaniyaLucky, lucky
143 HasbiaOf noble birth
144 HasibahOf noble birth
145 HassanaHasana
146 HassibaOf noble birth
147 HayedMovement, progress
148 HayudMountain
149 HayyanOld Arabic name
150 HaziemDecisive
151 HeyaLife
152 HikmaWisdom
153 HilelThe new moon
154 Hiyamlove
155 HlaliaMoon
156 HouriaFreedom, angel, virgin
157 HubabAim, destination
158 HudhafahOld Arabic name
159 HudunBe calm, quiet
160 HulyahJewelery
161 Huma'iLittle redhead
162 HuriyaHouria
163 Husam al Din
164 HutunRain Clouds
165 HuwaidahSoft, light
166 IjjaHonor, power
167 IkrimahOld Arabic name
168 ImededdinePillar of Faith
169 IslamiaIslamic
170 IstiqlaalIndependence
171 IyasComforting, consoling, comforting
172 Izz al Din
173 JabalahMountain
174 Jalal al Din
175 Jamal al Din
176 JaulChoice
177 JawaherJewelry
178 JawdahHeavy Rain
179 JibranOld Arabic name
180 JubairOld Arabic name
181 JumahBorn on
182 JumanShimmering pearl
183 JuminaPearls
184 KadeenFriend, companion, confidant
185 KahilFriend, lover
186 Karam-eddine
187 KemaleddinPerfection of Faith
188 Khadragreen
189 KhalilaGood friend
190 KhalishPure
191 KhuzamaBlossom, bloom, success
192 LamishaLamis
193 LayanahSmooth, soft
194 LubaidOld Arabic name
195 Ma-AjmalaBeautiful, beautiful
196 Ma'dOld Arabic name
197 MadihaPraiseworthy
198 MahdiaLed by God
199 MansuraVictorious
200 MarzuqHappy, blessed
201 Masudahappy
202 MehammedMohammed
203 MennanaGenerous, generous
204 Mika'ilMichiel
205 Minhatgift
206 MojizStrange, miraculously
207 MoneebContrite, penitent
208 MonietWish
209 MoosaMoses
210 Moubarakthe blessed
211 MoufidA giver
212 MoufidaFavorable, advantageous
213 MuazProtected
214 Mujahidfighter
215 Mumina(Muslim) believer
216 MurshidGuide
217 MuslihReformer
218 MutahTerminus
219 MuthannaOld Arabic name
220 MuwaffaqHappy, prosperous
221 MuznaRain Clouds
222 NahilaDrink, drank, drinking from a source
223 NajihaSuccessful
224 NajrisNarcissus
225 NamiraPure, leopard, panther
226 NaqichaPure
227 Nasir al Din
228 NasireProtector
229 NazihaPure, honest
230 NazimahSomeone who organizes
231 NesmaNasma
232 NouriaRadiant, luminous
233 Nur al Din
234 NurhayatBrilliant Life
235 NuzhaBreak, relaxation
236 OuahhabGiver, generous
237 OuahidAlone, unique
238 OuardaThe Rose
239 OuasillaInseparable friend
240 QadrFate, destiny
241 QudsHoliness
242 QuraishiOf the tribe of Quraish
243 Ra'idLeader
244 RabyaHill
245 RachaYoung gazelle, fawn
246 RafikaIntimate friend, companion
247 RafyaRefined, fine
248 RaghadThe pleasant
249 RasilMessenger
250 RasjaFortune, luck, fate
251 RatibPreparer, author
252 RazzaakProvide Ende, nourishing
253 RehaneBasil, basil
254 RifkyNice
255 RitwanSatisfaction
256 Rizwan-ul-Haq
257 RouhiaSpiritual
258 RuhulSoul, spirit
259 RuqaiyaClimb, rise
260 Saadethappiness
261 SaadiaHappiness, success
262 Sablion
263 SabeerPatient man
264 SabriyePatient wife
265 SabtBorn on Saturday
266 SabuurTolerant, patient
267 SadidRight, well, relevant
268 Safiy al Din
269 SafuraSafoera
270 SafwahThe best choice
271 Saif al Din
272 SaiffeddineSword of the Faith
273 SajjidahA worshiper
274 SalamahSecurity
275 SamimaSincerely, pure
276 SayedaWoman, lady
277 SensabilleThe name of a river in the jennah (paradise)
278 ShabanaThose who are beautifully adorned
279 ShadinYoung deer
280 ShamsadeenThe Sun of Faith
281 ShaymaChaima
282 ShihabFlame, flare, full of light
283 ShoeaibJethro
284 ShukriyaGratitude
285 SidkiTruly
286 SimohamedMr Mohammed
287 SobhanGlory, praise
288 SufyanSofian
289 Suhaimarrow
290 TahaniCongratulate
291 Taj al Din
292 TalawatBeauty, grace
293 TalutSaul
294 TamouTarget
295 TaqiyPious, sincere, warm
296 Tarubhappy
297 TazimHonor
298 ThamirFruitful, productive
299 Tharubcheerful
300 ThawabReward
301 ThoryaThouraya
302 Tirrafate
303 UbabWaves, heavy rain
304 UbaidaServant
305 UdailOld Arabic name
306 UmniyahWish
307 WaadPromise
308 WaddahGorgeous, talented, brilliant
309 WadiaQuiet, calm
310 WafiyahFaithful, loyal
311 WagarDignity, dignity
312 WakalatAdvocacy, defense
313 WakeelahActing person
314 WalaFaithful, sincere, loyal
315 Waliyahprincess
316 WaqqasOld Arabic name
317 WarithahHeiress
318 WasifDescriber
319 Wedadlove
320 XamiraNight calls
321 YafiahHigh, lofty, noble
322 YakootahEmerald
323 YamhaDove, darling
324 YaramHot
325 YusriyahVery well, easy
326 ZahedaPious, devout
327 ZaheerahHelper, journeyman
328 ZahidahBrilliant, brilliant
329 ZairahVisitor score
330 ZakwanIntuitive
331 ZakyClean, smart, intelligent
332 ZameelahCompany
333 ZamenEra
334 ZanubiyaName of Syrian queen
335 ZarifNice, elegant
336 ZarqaBlue
337 ZaybDecoration, ornament
338 ZaybaDecoration, ornament, beauty
339 ZaytoonOlive
340 ZeynHandsome, beautiful
341 ZhourFloral
342 Ziaul-HaqLight of Faith
343 ZinahDecoration, ornament
344 ZubayrStrong, powerful, intelligent
345 ZuhaDecoration
346 ZuhaaDecoration
347 ZuheyraSmall flower
348 ZuhrahBrightness
349 ZurmurrudEmerald

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