Please answer 5 questions about your first name. Your name:

Hindu names

#Name Meaning
1 AabhaShine.
2 Aadarshiniidealistic
3 Aahandawn
4 Aahnaliving
5 Aakarshanattraction
6 AakavSilhouette
7 AakeshLord of the heavens
8 Aakilintelligent
9 AalamOne who has rule, king.
10 AaleahyaSunshine
11 AalokLight of divinity
12 AaminGrace of divinity
13 Aananface
14 AandaleebThe bulbul bird
15 Aanjayunconquerable
16 AarmanDesire.
17 Aarthiway of offering prayer
18 Aarushfirst ray of sun
19 Aarushifirst ray of sun
20 Aashishblessing
21 Aashkablessing
22 AasiaResurrection
23 Aatmadevagod of the soul
24 Aatmiksoul
25 Abdhijaborn in sea goddess lakshmi
26 Abhaluster shine origin, sanskrit
27 AbharanJewel
28 Abharikaone who has a halo over her head
29 Abhaya son of dharma
30 Abhayafearless origin, sanskrit
31 AbhayanandaOne who enjoys being without fear.
32 Abhayankarithe one who dispels fear
33 AbheekOne that is without fear.
34 AbhibhavaOne who has power.
35 AbhichandraBeautiful moon
36 Abhidharwho wears serpents
37 Abhigeethapraised
38 Abhigyaexpert
39 Abhijata person of noble birth
40 AbhijayVictorious
41 AbhijayaVictorious
42 Abhijita constellation dear to hari
43 Abhijithalakshmi
44 Abhikhyabeauty fame
45 Abhilashwish desire
46 Abhilashadesire
47 Abhimakarone who has/gives warmth
48 Abhimanself respect
49 Abhimaninia girl with self respect
50 Abhimanyashort tempered
51 Abhimanyuperson killed by lakshmana
52 AbhinabhasOne who is well known, famous.
53 Abhinandanhandsome son congratulatory greetings
54 Abhinandanahappiness good wishes
55 Abhinavmodern new novel
56 Abhineetactor
57 Abhinetriactress dancer
58 Abhiniveshlong cherished desire
59 Abhiniveshalong cherished desire
60 AbhirajHandsome
61 AbhirajaGreat ruler
62 Abhiramlovely pleasing
63 AbhirathHandsome
64 AbhiroopaAttractive
65 Abhishekceremonious holy bath given to a deity
66 Abhivachangood word
67 Abhivadakone who salutes respectfully
68 Abhivandansalutation with respect
69 Abhivandyaone who is greeted respectfully
70 Abhramanisun or moon
71 Abjinilotus pond
72 Acchodalimpid water
73 AchalPersistent, mountainous
74 Achalasteady mountain origin, sanskrit
75 AchandaOne who is not angry.
76 Acharyaspiritual teacher
77 AchindraOne who is perfect.
78 Achirnew
79 AchitSeparation of newborn `s hair
80 AchyutaOne that cannot be destroyed.
81 Adagpure blemishless
82 Adamyadifficult
83 Adharmalawless
84 AdheeshaRuler
85 Adhidevathe supreme god
86 AdhiraLightning
87 Adhrushtagood luck
88 AdiJewel
89 AdishreeExalted
90 AditFrom The Beginning
91 AditeyaThe Sun
92 AditiFree and unrestricted
93 AdityaDescendant Of Aditi
94 Adrikaa small mountain
95 Adyaborn on first day of the week ie sunday
96 Aeshanin gods grace
97 Afreenencouragement
98 AftanThe Sun
99 Aganitcountless
100 Agasthyaa sage
101 Agastyaname of a wise man
102 Aghamarshandestroyer of sin
103 Aghanashinidestroyer of sins origin, sanskrit
104 Aghorgentle nature of shiva
105 Agneyason of agni
106 Agnidevthe fire god
107 Agnimukhaface of fire
108 Agninyanshiva
109 Agnitraagni`s friend the wind
110 AgrataGoing In Front, Taking The Lead
111 Ahalyawife of sage gautama
112 Aharnishday and night
113 Ahimsanonviolent virtue
114 Ahishking of serpents
115 AhismaSoft
116 Ahjajaborn of a lotus
117 Ahladjoy
118 Ahladinihappy lady
119 Ahladitain happy mood origin, sanskrit
120 Ahladithjoyous person
121 AhobalPowerful
122 Ahrimanevil spirit
123 Ahwanithwho has been invited
124 AileshLord of everything
125 Airavatachild of water
126 AirvataWater child
127 AjanabhHills
128 AjeetInvincible
129 AjitUnconquerable
130 AjithInvincible
131 AkalankaFlawless
132 AkankshaRequired
133 AkbarThe largest
134 AkhilKing
135 Akhilacomplete
136 Akhilendralord of the universe
137 AkhileshGod is whole, or Lord of everything
138 AkileshLord of everything
139 Akritidiagram
140 Akshaneye
141 Akshathaunscathedperfectuntouched
142 AkshayEverlasting
143 Akshayalead
144 AkshitaUnlimited
145 Akshobhyaone of the dhyani buddhas
146 Akutiprincess
147 AlaganHandsome
148 Alakalock of curly hair
149 Alaknandaflawless
150 Alambusaan apsara
151 AlankarJewel
152 Alankaradecoration
153 AlankritaFeeling
154 Alapconversation
155 AleemOne who has knowledge.
156 Alhadhappiness
157 Alipthaneutral unbiased
158 Aloklighting
159 AlokeLight.
160 Alopafaultless
161 AlpaLittle
162 AlpanaBeautiful
163 AmalHope, Expectation
164 Amalanandpure joy
165 AmandeepLight of Peace
166 AmarLong Life
167 Amarakeerthieternal fame
168 Amaravathiindra`s capital
169 Amaravatifull of ambrosia
170 Amarjitone who has conquered the gods
171 Amarnathking of gods
172 Amarprabhaeternal shine
173 Amarthyaimmortal a god
174 Amartyaimmortal
175 Ambalikamother of pandu
176 AmbaraClothing
177 Ambarishshiva
178 Amberamthe sky
179 AmberleyThe sky
180 AmbiaPrisoner
181 Ambikaa mother
182 Ambrunian apsara`s name
183 Ambuwater origin, sanskrit
184 Ambudacloud
185 Ambudhithe sea
186 Ambujlotus
187 Ambujalotus
188 Ambujakshione with lotus like eyes lakshmi
189 Ameretatimmortal
190 Ameyaboundless
191 AmhiMother
192 AmhikaMother
193 AmilUnavailable
194 AmishFree Of Deceit
195 AmishaClean Image
196 Amitfriend
197 AmitabhInfinite splendour
198 Amitabhaone of the dhyani buddhas
199 Amitamathione of the minister of bahubali
200 Amithalimitless
201 AmjadGreater glory
202 AmmaMother
203 Amodahappiness
204 Amodinihappy girl
205 AmoghOne who does not make mistakes.
206 AmoghavarshaName of a king
207 Amolinvaluable
208 AmritUndying
209 Amritafull of nectar
210 Amrithacostly
211 Amrutaheavenly nectar
212 Amruthnectar food of gods
213 Amruthamshuthe moon
214 Amruthasagarsea of nectar
215 Amshclean
216 Amshua ray of light sunny
217 AmshulaSunny
218 AmshumalaThe Sun
219 AmshumanThe Sun
220 Amulinvaluable
221 Amulyainvaluable
222 AnaadiGod is with us
223 AnadGod is with us
224 AnadiGod almighty
225 Anahitablameless, unstained
226 Analafiery
227 AnandHappiness
228 AnandaBliss And Joy
229 Anandamohansri krishna
230 Anandaramsri ram
231 Anandavardhanone who increases
232 Ananditahappy
233 AnangaBodiless
234 AnantaWithout end, eternal.
235 AnanthEternal
236 AnanthaEternal
237 AnarghyaInvaluable, priceless.
238 AnayLook up to God
239 Anchitahonored worshipped
240 Andal
241 AngadaSon of Lakshmana
242 Angirasaof the mythical luminous race
243 Aniditablameless
244 AnilWinds
245 Anilachildren of the wind
246 AniruddhaBoundless
247 AnishPreeminent, greatest, ultimate.
248 AnjaliTribute
249 AnjanaGracious gift from God
250 AnjayInvincible
251 Anjuone who lives in heart
252 Anjumana party place
253 Ankitprinted an ink mark
254 AnkitaGracious / lovely, gracious
255 AnkurBlossom
256 Ankusha hook a goad a restraint
257 Annadaparvathi
258 Annapurnagoddess parvathi
259 Anniruddhason of pradyummna
260 Anoonaperfect
261 Anoopincomparable, the best
262 AnshuSunbeam
263 AnshulSunbeam
264 AnshumanThe Sun
265 Anubhoothiexperience
266 AnuchandHandsome
267 Anudeeplamp
268 Anugtahagrace favor
269 Anugtraclam
270 Anugumfitting
271 Anuhladbrother of prahlad
272 Anujayouthful, young at heart
273 Anukampacompassion
274 Anulekhabeautiful picture
275 AnumatiMoon
276 Anumlochean apsara`s name
277 Anunayagentle comfort
278 Anupambeyond
279 Anupamaunique unparalleled
280 AnuprabhaBrightness
281 Anuradhaa bright star
282 Anuragalove
283 Anuranjanentertaining
284 Anuranjanaone who pleases the mind
285 Anuraticonsent
286 Anuroopworthy
287 Anuroopaworthy
288 Anushaa beautiful morning star
289 Anushripretty
290 AnusreeHandsome
291 Anuvindaone who relieves
292 AnvitaGracious living
293 Apalamost beautiful
294 Aparlimitless
295 Aparajitaundefeated
296 Aparimitlimitless
297 Aparimitalimitless
298 Aparnasame as parvati
299 Aparoopuncommon rare
300 Aparoopaspecial
301 Apatihatwithout a match
302 ApekshaWish
303 Apekshitdesired
304 Apodanother name of sage doumya
305 Aprameyabeyond
306 Apratimincomparable
307 Apsarasfrom the waters stream
308 ApuPure, Virtuous, Divine
309 ApurvaOne of a kind.
310 Aravindalotus
311 Archanhomage
312 ArchanaWorshiping One
313 Archishaa ray of light
314 Architaone who is worshipped
315 Arihantkiller of enemies
316 Arijitconqueror of enemies
317 ArjunWhite, Clear
318 ArkaThe Sun
319 ArletEast Indian Spice
320 ArnavThe ocean.
321 ArpanaDedicated
322 Arpitaofferings
323 ArunaDew
324 Arundhatigoddess of the sky, stars and night time
325 Arunikatawny red
326 Arunimaglow of dawn
327 ArushiMorning
328 Arvindlotus
329 Arvindafeminine form of arvind, red lotus
330 AryaOriginating from Adria (Venice) dull black, dark
331 Aryabhataastronomer
332 AryanaVery
333 Aryavnoble, honored
334 Ascharyamiracle
335 AshaHope
336 Ashadeeplight of hope
337 Ashakiranray of hope
338 Ashalatacreeper of hope
339 Ashavariname of a raga
340 Ashikahope desire
341 AshimaUnlimited
342 Ashishblessings
343 Ashnadaughter of bali
344 AshokQuiet
345 Ashokaname of an emperor
346 AshritaRefugee
347 AshvaghoshaHorse galloping
348 Ashvikblessed and victorious
349 Ashwaghoshaa sanskrit author and poet
350 Ashwapathia king of madara kingdom
351 Ashwasenason of takshak
352 Ashwathamadrona`s son
353 Ashwininame of a star
354 Ashwinkumarhealer of gods
355 AsijaPhilosopher, brother of Brihaspati
356 AsitaBlack
357 AskiniDaughter of Projapati Virat
358 Asthikone who believes in god
359 Asumanheaven
360 Asuraa demon
361 Asvathamasun of drona
362 Asvingods of medicine
363 Atharvanknower of the arthara vedas
364 AtishFire, Splendor
365 AtmajaDaughter
366 AtmajyotiThe light of the soul.
367 Atmanthe self
368 Atyaanandafull of joy
369 AurangzebProudly to the throne
370 Aurobindored lotus
371 AvaniEarth.
372 AvanindraOne who owns the earth
373 Avantiname of the city ujjaini
374 Avantikaprincess of ujjain
375 Avasaindependent
376 Avatardescending
377 Avataradescending
378 AvatariGod's Incarnation
379 AvinashIndestructible
380 Ayanaway away away
381 Ayodhyafrom ayodhya
382 AyushiFull moon, long life
383 AyushmatiPerson who has a long life
384 AzharShining, Bright
385 BaasuProsperous
386 Baberlion
387 Badalrain cloud
388 Badarinathdeity at the pilgrimage
389 Badarishdeity at the pilgrimage
390 Bageshriname of a raga
391 Bahudaname of river
392 Bahula star black
393 Bahulaa star
394 Bahuleyakartikeya
395 Bahumana prize
396 Bahushrutawho has heard much
397 Baidyanathshiva
398 Bajaranghanuman
399 Bakacrane
400 Bakulsweet smelling flower
401 Balbaby with a full head of hair
402 BalaGirl
403 Balabhadrahappiness, happiness
404 Balachandrarising moon
405 Baladevstrong person
406 Balahadrabrother of krishna
407 Balakrishnayoung krishna
408 BalarajOne who possesses strength.
409 Balaramsri krishna `s brother
410 Balaramabrother of krishna
411 Balarkrising sun
412 BalavanPowerful
413 Baldevstrong god
414 BaliMighty warrior
415 BalinMighty warrior
416 BallariRuns quietly
417 Balrajstrong king
418 BalunChild
419 BalwantOne who is strong.
420 Banashankariparvati
421 BandhuraPretty.
422 Banivanisaraswati
423 BansariBansuri
424 BaridMessenger
425 BarindraThe ocean.
426 Basantspring
427 Basantispring
428 Basveswarigoddess parvati
429 Behulaperfect wife
430 Bhaa star
431 Bhadraname of river
432 Bhadraacow
433 Bhadravatiwife of king pareekshit
434 Bhadrikawoman with good fortune
435 Bhadyogaa wealthy person
436 Bhagauncertain whether god of love or luck
437 Bhageerathiriver ganga
438 Bhagirathagoddess
439 Bhagwandasserves god
440 BhagyaWealth
441 Bhagyajyothilight of good luck
442 Bhagyarekhaline of good luck
443 Bhagyatrafortune star lucky star
444 Bhairavia melody in classical music
445 BhakatiDedication
446 Bhanusky origin, sanskrit
447 Bhanujariver yamuna
448 Bhanumankousalya`s father
449 Bhanuprakashsun shine
450 Bharatname of a saint
451 Bharathifirst
452 Bharatisaraswati
453 Bhaskarsun
454 Bhaskaraprovides light
455 BhaskerThe Sun
456 Bhasvahlighting
457 Bhaswarlighting
458 Bhavanafeelings sentiments
459 Bhavaniparvati
460 Bhavatadearly loved
461 Bhaveshshiva
462 Bhavnagood feelings
463 Bhavnishking
464 BhavyaLarge And Elegant
465 Bhavyatamagnificance majesty sublimity
466 Bheeshmaterrible
467 Bhesajvishnu the healer
468 Bhikkhua monk
469 Bhikkhunia nun
470 Bhilanganaa river
471 Bhimaterrible
472 Bhimadevifrightening goddess
473 Bhirigaraja bee
474 Bhishmaterrible
475 Bhojathe name of a hindu king in the 11th century
476 Bhoodevimother earth
477 Bhoomiearth
478 BhoomikaEarth
479 Bhoopeshking of the earth
480 Bhooshaniornamental
481 Bhooshitaornamental decorated
482 Bhootakingamshiva
483 BhriguPrajapati
484 BhrungaraGolden Flower
485 BhuEarth
486 Bhudevlord of the earth
487 BhudeviEarth
488 Bhupendraking of seas
489 Bhuvanathe earth
490 Bhuvaneswarimother earth in kannada
491 Bihulaname of a mahasati of madhya pradesh
492 Bijalilightening active
493 BimalOne who is pure.
494 BimalaPure
495 Bimbikadisc of moon or sun
496 Bindusridrop point
497 Binnahaprayer request
498 Bishvajitvictor of the world
499 BodhiLighting, improving the fight
500 Brijeshkrishna who lived in brijboomi
501 Brijmohansri krishna
502 BrindaOf The Basil Plant
503 Budarikaone of the sources of the river ganga
504 Budhaa planet
505 CandanaSandal Wood
506 Carmafate
507 Cauverirangalord ranganath
508 Cauverysame as kaveri- name of a river
509 Chaayashadow
510 ChahnaRenowned, Famous
511 Chaitalyname of an ancient city
512 Chaitanyaenergy knowledge name of a saint
513 Chaithrafirst month of the year spring
514 Chaitraaries sign
515 Chaityaa buddhist or jain temple
516 Chakora bird
517 Chakradharvishnu
518 Chakreshking emperor
519 Chakrikalakshmi
520 ChakshuThe eye.
521 Chalavantha determined person
522 Chalukyaa kingdom of ancient karnataka
523 ChamanGarden
524 Chamatkarskill wonder miracle
525 ChameliFlower
526 Champavatiangaraj`s karna`s capital
527 Chamundaa form of durga
528 Chanchalaunsteady lakshmi
529 ChandaOne who is passionate.
530 Chandakshining moon
531 Chandakacharioteer of buddha
532 Chandansandalwood
533 Chandanasandal wood
534 Chandania star
535 ChandaraThe moon
536 ChanderMoonlight
537 Chandiangry name of goddess sakti
538 ChandraThe moon. Commonly used as a female name s well.
539 Chandra-Gowriname of chandravati and gowridev
540 Chandrabhashining moon
541 ChandrakThe feather of a peacock.
542 ChandrakantMoonlight
543 ChandrakantaMoonlight
544 ChandrakiPeacock
545 ChandrakumarThe moon.
546 ChandrarajKing of the moon
547 ChandreshRuler of the moon
548 ChandriaThe moon
549 ChandrikaMoonlight
550 Changlaactive

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SaralaMonday 10 June 2013 @ 16:16
Sarala means simple

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