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Greek names

#Name Meaning
1 Abderafrom abdera
2 Abderusa friend of hercules
3 AbelloneMasculinity
4 Absyrtusbrother of medea
5 Abydosfrom abydos
6 Acanthaa legendary nymph
7 Acastusan argonaut
8 Accaliamythical greek name
9 Acestesa trojan king from greek mythology
10 Achelousa river god
11 Acheronriver of sorrow/woe
12 Achiileslipless
13 Achillaa handsome figure in greek mythology
14 AchilleasMain character in the famous Greek legend The Iliad.
15 Achilleshero of the Trojan War
16 Achilleushero of the Trojan War
17 Achilliosname of a river
18 AchlysFog
19 Acislover of galatea
20 Acneschaste
21 Acrisiusgrandfather of perseus
22 Acteona hunter dismembered by his own dogs
23 Adadstorm and flood god
24 Adapafigure in ancient greek mythology
25 Adelphasisterly
26 Adelphedear sister
27 Adelphiedear sister
28 AdelphosBrother.
29 Ademiawithout husband
30 AderitoInviolable
31 Admetafrom a tale of hercules
32 Admetusa king of pherae
33 AdnosSaint
34 AdonisLord
35 AdrasMasculinity
36 Adrastosundaunted
37 AdriaOriginating from Adria (Venice) dull black, dark
38 Aeacusson of zeus, grandfather of achilles
39 Aedondaughter of pandareos
40 Aeetesmedeas father
41 Aegeaof the aegean
42 Aegisthuscousin of agamemnon
43 Aegyptusking of egypt, father of the danaides
44 AeideinSong
45 AellaWhirlwind
46 Aelloa harpy
47 Aeoluschangeable, god of the winds
48 Aeoniumimmortal
49 Aesculapiusgod of medicine
50 Aeson
51 Aethramother of theseus
52 Aetioseagle
53 Aetnafrom aetna
54 AetosEagle.
55 AfroditeLove, beauty goddess
56 Agaathgood
57 AgafiaWell, Virtueus well
58 Agafongood
59 Agalaiasplendor
60 Agaliabright joy
61 Agamedesmurdered by his brother for theft
62 AgamemnonVery Resolute
63 Agapelove
64 Agapioslove
65 Agathagood
66 Agathigood
67 Agathiasgood
68 AgathosVirtueus well
69 Agatonegood, kind
70 Agauegood
71 Agavemother of pentheus good
72 AgenorGreek Agenor "very brave". The name of the father of Cadmus and Europe and the son of Antenor, one of the bravest Trojans. As for the name of noble lineage Bijlandt.
73 AglaiaBrilliance
74 Aglaurosa woman who was turned into stone by hermes
75 Aglergleaming
76 AgnaPure
77 AgnekPure
78 Agneschaste, pure, holy
79 Agothagood
80 AhellonaMasculinity
81 Aiakosson of Zeus
82 Aidoioshonored
83 AidosModest
84 Aigeusprotection
85 AigidionKid
86 AigidiosSmall goat
87 Aiglesword
88 AikaterineBlessed, pure, holy
89 AikiaMartel
90 AindriuMasculinity
91 Aineaspraising
92 AineiasTo praise
93 AiolosChangeable
94 Airlaethereal
95 AirliaDelicate, intangible.
96 AischylosShame
97 AjaxPowerful warrior.
98 AkakiosInnocent, purely
99 AkaliaMythical name
100 AkanthaThorn
101 Akilinaeagle
102 AktaionOne living in Akte (Attica)
103 Alalagoddess of war
104 AlannisOne who is from Atlanta.
105 Alasdavenger
106 AlastorProtector of men
107 Alatheatruthful mythological goddess of truth
108 AlaxanderProtector of men
109 Alaylawar goddess
110 AlbuneaWhite
111 AlcanderOne who possesses strength.
112 AlcibìadeViolent force
113 AlcibiadesViolent force
114 Alcinooshelps odysseus return home
115 Alcinoushelps odysseus return home
116 Alcippedaughter of ares
117 Alcmenemother of hercules
118 Alcnaeonone of the thebes attackers
119 Alcyonedaughter of aeolus
120 Alcyoneusfought against athene
121 Aldaraa winged gift
122 Alddesdescended from alcaeus
123 Alectahonesty
124 AleighciaTruthful
125 AleisterProtector of men
126 Alekathe defende
127 AlekoProtector of men
128 Alekoshelper and defender of mankind
129 AleksandrProtector of men
130 Aleksandryahelper and defender of mankind
131 AleksanteriWarrior protector
132 Alesiahelper
133 AlessiaDefender
134 Alethatruthful one
135 Aletheatruth
136 Aletheiahonesty
137 Alethiatruthful mythological goddess of truth
138 AlexandarWarrior protector
139 AlexanderGuardian
140 Alexandinadefender of mankind
141 AlexandorProtector of men
142 Alexandrasdefender of man
143 AlexandriteExtension
144 AlexandrosWarrior's protector
145 Alexandrukasdefender of man
146 AlexeiWarrior protector
147 Alexeinprotector of the people
148 Alexiodefender of man
149 AlexiosProtector
150 AlexiusGuardian
151 AlexusProtector
152 Alexzanderprotector of mankind, medieval version of alexander
153 AlikiHonest
154 AlishaOf noble birth
155 AlkiViolent force
156 AlkibiadesViolent force
157 AllexanderProtector of men
158 AllineNoble, kind, bird, rival
159 Aloeusfather of giants
160 AlphaThe Greek Letter
161 AlphaiosForming
162 Alpheusriver god
163 AltheaOne who brings healing.
164 AlyksandrProtector of men
165 AlyoshaProtector of men
166 Alyoshenkadefender of man
167 AlysaPrinces
168 AlysiaNoble (nobility)
169 AlyxanderProtector of men
170 Amaltheawoman who nursed zeus
171 Amalthiawoman who nursed zeus
172 AmarandaFlower
173 Amarandeimmortal
174 Amaranthan unfading flower
175 Amaranthafading
176 Amarantosimmortal
177 AmarusImmortal love
178 AmaryllisSparkling
179 AmarysseinFresh and sparkling flower
180 Amazoniawarlike
181 Ambrocioimmortal
182 Ambroggioimmortal
183 Ambrogiottoimmortal
184 Ambrosiaimmortal
185 AmbrosineDivine
186 Ambrosiosimmortal
187 Ambrossijimmortal
188 Ambrotosaimmortal
189 Ambrusimmortal
190 AmemosWind
191 Amethystthe name of a semi-precious stone
192 Amhrosineimmortal
193 AmintaDefender
194 AmintoreDefender
195 Amphiarausone of the attackers of thehes
196 Amphionson of zeus in ancient greek mythology
197 Amphitritea sea goddess
198 Amphitryonhusband of alcmene
199 Ampyxfather of mopsus
200 Amymonewoman who murdered her husband
201 AnacletoCalled forth
202 Anacletuscalling forth
203 Anaëlguardian of Scales
204 Anakletoscalling forth
205 AnargyrosPoor, honorable
206 AnastaciaResurrection
207 AnastagioDivine.
208 AnastasRevival
209 Anastasiarisen by baptism to new life
210 AnastasiosRevival
211 AnastasisResurrection
212 AnasztázResurrection
213 AnatolaFrom Anatolia
214 AnatoliosDaybreak
215 AnaxandraUnknown Meaning
216 Anchisesfather of aeneas in ancient greek mythology
217 AndjelkoMessenger from God
218 Andoniosinestimable manly
219 AndraMasculine, brave, strong
220 AndraeMasculinity
221 Andranettamanly brave feminine form of andrew
222 Andre-MarieMasculinity
223 Andreannamanly brave feminine form of andrew
224 Andrenamanly brave feminine form of andrew
225 Andreusmanlike, manly, brave
226 Andreyamanly brave feminine form of andrew
227 Andrianamanly brave feminine form of andrew
228 Andriannafeminine of andrew
229 Andriannemanly brave feminine form of andrew
230 Andriennemanly brave feminine form of andrew
231 AndrijManly
232 AndrijaManly
233 AndrinaMasculine, brave, strong
234 Androgeusson of minos
235 AndromacheMythical wife of Hector
236 AndromedaRuler Of Men
237 AndrosBrave, heroic, M
238 AndrouMasculinity
239 AndruMasculinity
240 AndrzejManly
241 AnemoneBreath
242 AngeleHeavenly messenger
243 AngeleeMessenger
244 AngelenaMessenger
245 AngeleneMessenger
246 AngeliMessenger
247 AngelikiMessenger, angel.
248 AngelisaMessenger
249 AngelitaEngel / The angelic, heavenly messenger
250 AngellMessenger
251 AngelleMessenger
252 AngelmaNews, message
253 AngelosMessenger
254 AnieliMasculinity
255 Aniketosnever conquered
256 AnikitaUnconquered
257 AniolMessenger from God
258 AnisimHandy
259 AnkerMasculinity
260 AnnastasiaResurrection
261 AnndraMasculinity
262 Annyswhole
263 Anstaceone who will be reborn
264 AnsticeWest-Brabant name
265 AnstissCheerful
266 Anteafeminine form of antaeus son of poseidon
267 Anteiaa mythological figure
268 AnteroManly
269 Anterosmutual love
270 Antheaflower, blossom
271 Anthiaflower, lady of flowers
272 AnthosFlower
273 Anticleamother of odysseus
274 AntigoneMythical sister of Priam
275 Antilochusson of nestor
276 AntinoĂĽsGreek "opposite of thinking, offering resistance." Name of one of the lovers of Penelope, Odysseus had slain. Furthermore, the name as the traveling companion of Emperor Hadrian, he was drowned in the Nile (122 AD).. In honor of the emperor since he founded the city Antinopolis. If the name found in Harlingen, 1971.
277 AntiocoStubborn, resistant
278 Antiopedaughter of asopus
279 Antiphatesa cyclops
280 Antropasa fate
281 AntwonFlower
282 Anusiagrace
283 Anysiacomplete
284 AonghasSingular choice
285 AphroditeOne who has risen up from the foam (of the sea).
286 Apollinarisbelonging to Apollo
287 ApolloDestroyer
288 ApollonDestroyer
289 Apolloniabelonging to Apollo
290 ApolloniosForce
291 ApoloniuszDedicated to Apollo
292 ApostolisMessenger
293 ApostolosOf The Apostles
294 AppolinarisSun God
295 Appollogod of the sun
296 Aquaof the water
297 Aquilonorth wind
298 ArcadioThe region of central Greece
299 ArcadiosFrom Arcadia
300 ArchelaosRuler of the people
301 Archemorusson of lycurgus
302 ArchimedesPondering
303 Ardelisindustrious
304 Arenaholy one
305 AresOriginating from Adria (Venice) dull black, dark
306 AreskeinPleasant
307 Aretegraceful lovely
308 ArethaExcellence
309 Arethusamythological nymph
310 Aretinavirtuous
311 Argiaall seeing
312 Argieall seeing
313 Argoname of the ship Jason
314 Argosall seeing
315 ArgyrisSilver
316 Argyrosilver in ancient greek
317 ArgyrosSilver
318 AriadneVery Holy
319 ArissaBest
320 Aristabest
321 Aristaeusnoble, son of apollo
322 Aristeidesson of the best
323 AristeoBest
324 Aristidson of a great man
325 AristidesBest
326 Aristobest
327 AristoklesMost famous
328 AristosBest
329 AristotelisThe name of a world-famous philosopher of ancient Greece.
330 Aristotlethinker with a great purpose
331 ArisztidBest
332 Ariuscoming from or resident of Adria
333 ArkadiThe region of central Greece
334 ArkadilThe region of central Greece
335 ArkadiosArcadia
336 ArkhipRuler of horses
337 Arkhipposruler of horses
338 ArktosBear
339 ArquĂ­medesPondering
340 Arriseeking the best results
341 ArsenThe male, strong, potent
342 Arsènethe male, the strong
343 ArseniMasculine
344 ArsenijeMasculinity
345 ArsenioMasculinity
346 ArseniosMasculinity
347 ArsinoeWoman With Uplifted Mind
348 ArtemasDevoted to the goddess Artemis
349 Artemesiogift from artemis
350 Artemiagift from artemis
351 ArtemisGoddess Of The Moon And Hunt
352 Artemisiaartbelonging to artemis
353 ArtemusDevoted to the goddess Artemis
354 Asarielhe who guards pisceans
355 Asasiaform of acacia
356 Ascalaphusturned into an owl by persephone
357 Ascaniusfigure in ancient greek mythology
358 AsiaResurrection
359 Asklepiosgod of medicine
360 Asopusa river god
361 Aspasiawelcome
362 AsphodelFlower Name
363 Astraa star
364 Astraeajustice
365 Astraeusstarry one
366 AstreaOf The Stars
367 Astroof the stars
368 AtalantaUnswaying
369 Atalantea huntress
370 Ataloyouthful, young at heart
371 AteAdel / noble
372 Athamasfather of phrixus and helle
373 AthanasiaEternal
374 AthanasiosEternal life
375 Athanasiusimmortal
376 AthanasoisImmortality
377 AthenaOne who possesses wisdom.
378 AthosEternal life
379 Atlantagreek goddess atlanta, daughter of zeus
380 Atlasa person who supports
381 Atreidesdescended from atreus
382 Atropesa fate
383 AttisHandsome
384 AugustinaVenerable, worshiped, exalted
385 Aundreafeminine of andrew
386 Autonoemother of actaeon
387 Auzrialgoddess of health
388 Avelbreath
389 Avernusportal to hades
390 AwildaUntamed, wild
391 Axeliaprotector of the people
392 AzaleosDry
393 Babitastranger
394 Baccausname of dionysus
395 Baccusname of dionysus
396 Baibinstranger
397 Bairbrestranger
398 BalthasarReges Tharsis et insulae munera afferent; Reges Arabum Saba et dona adducent
399 Baltsarosbalthazar
400 BapheinDiving
401 BaptistaBaptist
402 BarabalStranger.
403 BarnabasSon of consolation or son of exhortation, son of comfort. Famous bearer: the biblical first century apostle Barnabas who accompanied St Paul on his early missionary journeys.A biblical first-century missionary companion of Paul.
404 BartholomaiosBumpy, rough son
405 Bashamstranger
406 BasileiaQueen
407 Basiliathe royal
408 BasteHonoured
409 BastiaanVenerable, exalted
410 Bauciswife of philemon
411 Bedrosstone
412 Bellancastronghold
413 Bellerophonslew chimera
414 Bemusplatform
415 BiosLife
416 Boreasthe north
417 Briareushundred-armed titan in greek mythology
418 BriseasWind
419 BriseisDaughter Of Bris
420 Cadissparkling
421 Cadmusdragons teeth
422 Caeneusa woman who asked to become a man
423 CaesarHead of hair
424 Caesarelong haired
425 Caileylark, musical
426 CaitilinPure
427 CaitiynPure
428 CaitrynPure
429 CalandiaLark
430 CalanthaBeautiful flower
431 Calchasa seer
432 Calidanalternate spelling of calydon
433 CalistaThe
434 Calixvery handsome
435 Calixtethe very clean
436 CalixtoHandsome
437 Callabeauty
438 CalliaBeautiful
439 CalliahBeautiful
440 Calliasbeauty
441 Callidorathe gift of beauty
442 Calligeniadaughter of beauty
443 Calliopeone with beautiful voice
444 CalliroeBeautiful stream
445 CallistaThe
446 Callistethe very clean
447 Callistothe most beautiful
448 CalogeroGood old age
449 CalypsoHidden
450 CamillusAssistant to the priest
451 Canacethe daughter of the wind
452 Candancesparkling
453 Candrapure and chaste
454 Canisavery dear
455 Capaneusone of the attackers against thebes
456 CarissaDear One
457 CarlynDude, man, man free
458 CarmitOde or Vineyard / Orchard, Garden
459 Carolosstrong, manly
460 Carrissavery dear
461 CascadiaCascade, waterfall
462 Cassiacinnamon
463 Cassiopeiamother of andromeda
464 Cassondraform of cassandra unheeded prophetess
465 CastaliaPure
466 CastorGreek and Lat. "Beaver". The name is only indirectly related to this animal called together: the original meaning is' he who shines, "the Indogerm. root * KAD (compare Cassandra). Castor was the name of a substance secreted by the beaver and used as a remedy against stomach ailments. Castor was the name of the son of a Spartan king Tyndareus, with his twin brother Pollux (the Dioscuri). Castor and Pollux is the name of the star twins, Gemini. The sacred Castor, circa late 4th century, is considered the apostle of Moselle. He is patron of Koblenz; church. Holiday: Feb. 13.
467 Catalynpure clear
468 Catepure
469 Catharinaclean or pure
470 Catherinclean or pure
471 CatheringBlessed, pure, holy
472 Catherynapure clear
473 Cathiynpure clear
474 Cathlinpure clear
475 Catiapure clear
476 Cecropsfounder of athens
477 Celaenoa harpy
478 Celandiathe swallow
479 Celandinaswallow
480 CelandineFlower
481 CelenaMoon
482 CeleneMoon
483 Celeusfather of triptolemus
484 Celosiabuming
485 Cephalushusband who killed procris
486 Cerbeiusguardian to the gate of hades
487 CercyonName of a king
488 CeresGoddess Of The Corn
489 Cestusaphrodites girdle
490 Cetogoddess of the sea
491 Cetussea monster of poseidon
492 CeylaRespelling Of Kayla Or Sela
493 Ceyxhusband of alcyone
494 CharalamposIlluminated with joy
495 CharisBlend of Cherie and Cerise. Dear one; darling.
496 CharismaPersonal Power, Attraction
497 CharissaGrace.
498 CharmaJoy, bliss
499 CharonA plain
500 Charybdisa deadly whirlpool
501 ChelidonSwallow bird
502 ChezarinaWest-Brabant name
503 Chimerathe monster killed by bellerophon
504 ChironGreek Chiron, a centaur, the wisest and fairest. Apollo and Artemis, he was taught many skills, for he practiced medicine (with a knife). The name is a shortening of cheirourgos 'who works with his hands', compare Du. surgeon. Maasdriel in 1966.
505 Chiysesa priest of apollo
506 ChloeVerdant And Blooming
507 Chlorisgreen
508 CholeVictory of the people
509 ChrieinDesignated
510 Christiannasame as christina
511 ChristianoChristian
512 Christobelchrist bearer
513 ChristoffelChrist Bearer
514 ChristoperChrist carrier
515 Chromacolor
516 Chrusegolden, the golden one
517 ChrysantheChrysanthemum, golden flower
518 ChrysanthemumGolden Flower
519 ChrysanthosGolden Flower
520 Chryseisprisoner of agamemnon
521 Chrysillagolden-haired
522 Chrysostomgolden mouthed
523 Chryssaanointed one, a christian
524 Chrystagold or golden annointed one a christian
525 Chrystieanointed one, a christian
526 Cicadaloud insect of the night
527 Cinnabara mineral
528 Cinyrasfounded the cult of aphrodite
529 Circebird
530 Ciriacomaster
531 Cirilalordly
532 CirilioLord
533 CirilloLord
534 Claasvictor by the people, loved by all
535 ClasVictorious people
536 Clausvictor by the people, loved by all
537 Cleafrom the name cleo
538 CleandroMan of glory
539 Cleatusillustrious
540 CleliaGlory
541 Cleliofame
542 Clematisa climbing plant a flower name
543 Cleothe fame of the father
544 Cleobisson of a priestess
545 Cleonethe mythological daughter of a river god
546 CleoraAdore, applaud
547 Cletaof cleopatra
548 Cletussummoned
549 Cleytusfamous
550 Clianthaa glorious flower

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