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Dutch names

#Name Meaning
1 Aadcoming from or resident of Adria
2 AafkeThe good
3 Aaltjebeautifully by noble behavior
4 AartHe who reigns as an Eagle
5 Abfather of many nations
6 AbeltjeBreathe, The fleeting
7 Adcoming from or resident of Adria
8 AdjeOriginating from Adria (Venice) dull black, dark
9 Adricoming from or resident of Adria
10 AdriaanOne from the city of Adria
11 AernoutHe who reigns as an Eagle
12 AlbartExalted, shining with fame
13 Alberdinabeautifully by noble behavior
14 Albertjanbeautifully by noble behavior
15 AleidOf A Noble Family
16 AleidaOf noble birth
17 AleydisOf Noble Kin
18 AlieHigh, exalted.
19 AliekeOf noble birth
20 Aliet(Woman) of noble stature, nature
21 Aloinnoble friend
22 AmbrosiusDivine.
23 AndriesManly
24 AndrieskeMasculine, brave, strong
25 AnemoonWind
26 Aniekpardon or comely
27 AnjeAppears in Groningen
28 AnkieMerciful / sweet
29 AnkjeGracious / sweet
30 AnkoDerived from the Germanic tribal names with meanings form arn eagle
31 AnnaliesGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
32 AnnechienGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
33 Annegreetcharming, gracious
34 Annejetcharming, gracious
35 AnneliekGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
36 Anneliescharming, gracious
37 AnnelijnGracious / lovely, gracious
38 AnneloesCombining the names of Anna (grace / sweet) and Loes (get heroine)
39 AnnemariekeGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
40 AnnemarijeGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
41 Annemarijncharming, gracious
42 AnnemieBitter grace.
43 AnnemiekGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
44 AnnemiekeGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
45 Annemiencharming, gracious
46 Annemijncharming, gracious
47 Anneriekecharming, gracious
48 AnnoAppears in Groningen and Drenthe
49 Ansgod
50 AntoonThe invaluable
51 ArdjanHe who reigns as an Eagle
52 ArendaEagle Bold
53 Ariaancoming from or resident of Adria
54 Ariecoming from or resident of Adria
55 AriekeOriginating from Adria (Venice) dull black, dark
56 ArienEnchanted
57 ArisOriginating from Adria (near Venice) or dull black / dark or male / Dapper
58 ArjanFrom Adria
59 ArjenOne from the city of Adria
60 ArnoutHe who reigns as an Eagle
61 ArtjanVariant spelling of Ardjan.
62 Babbe"Savage" or "wild"
63 Barteldbright or shiny
64 BartholomeusFarmer.
65 Bartinabright or shiny
66 Bartjanbright or shiny
67 Bartjebright or shiny
68 BasMajestic
69 BastenVenerable, exalted
70 BasthijnMajestic
71 BastijnRevered
72 BeatrijsThose who brings happiness, Blessed
73 Berdienfamous with the spear
74 BergMountain.
75 BernissOne who brings victory. Variant of Berenice.
76 Bernoubear
77 Bertjanbeautifully by noble behavior
78 BetsieGod has sworn
79 BleeckerBleacher of cloth.
80 Bloemflower, youthful, beautiful
81 Boudewijnbold friend
82 Brandaisburnt wine
83 Brechjeclear
84 Brechtjeclear
85 Bregjebeautifully by noble behavior
86 BregtjeThe radiant
87 CamielAltar Boy
88 CamloBeautiful
89 CarienClean and pure
90 CarleinDude, man, man free
91 Carlijnmeans the same as guy
92 CarlijneDude, man, man free
93 Caroliena non-noble freeman
94 Carolijnmeans the same as guy
95 CarsChristian
96 CarstAnointed, bearer of Christ
97 CatelijnClean and pure
98 Catelijneclean or pure
99 CathalijnClean and pure
100 Cathalijneclean or pure
101 CatheleijneClean and pure
102 Cathelijnclean or pure
103 Cathelijneclean or pure
104 Catootjeclean or pure
105 CeciliusBlind.
106 CeesThe horned
107 ChielHebrew for "Who is like God"
108 ChiemYahweh focuses on
109 ChikEarth
110 Chrisjeanointed
111 Christiaananointed
112 CiskeA Frenchman
113 ClaudiosLame.
114 ClementiusVariant of Clement: Gentle. Famous Bearer: Clement Moore, writer of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'.
115 Cohe heel grip
116 CoenExperienced in counseling
117 CoosjeHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
118 CorThe horned
119 CoriekeThe horned, Girl, Virgin
120 CorienThe horned, Girl, Virgin
121 CorjanCombination of Cornelis and January
122 CorlijnThe horned
123 CorneelThe horned
124 CorneliekeThe horned
125 CornielThe horned
126 CorsHorn
127 CorstiaanAnointed
128 CosThe horned
129 Cykabeautynature
130 DaafThe beloved, the friend
131 DaantjeMy judge is God, Near, near
132 Daen
133 DannJudge. Biblical fifth son of Jacob and founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. An independent name and also an abbreviation of Daniel.
134 DavetBeloved.
135 DevisserFisherman.
136 DevossFox.
137 DevriesFrisian.
138 Diederickruler or powerful
139 DienekeRated
140 DienkeRated
141 Diewertjeprotector of the people
142 Dikpowerful among the people
143 DinekeRated
144 DircPowerful among the people, always powerful ruler
145 Dirckpowerful among the people
146 DirckjePowerful among the people, always powerful ruler
147 Dirkjanpowerful among the people
148 Dirkjepowerful among the people
149 DolfNoble Wolf
150 DoorReduction of (a female form) Isidore, Polydoor or Theodore. If m. name especially in South Du.
151 Doortjegodsend
152 DorusGift from God
153 Dremanlike, manly, brave
154 Driekruler King
155 Driesmanlike, manly, brave
156 Dukkerfortune-teller
157 Durrilgooseberry
158 EefjeWild boar, variant of "Aaf" (supernatural being) or the life-giving
159 EefkeAppears in Friesland and Groningen
160 EelcoNobility, noble
161 EgidiusYouthful.
162 EilertEdge of the Sword
163 ElcoNobility, noble
164 EldertAppears in Friesland and Groningen
165 ElineTorch, the shining, brilliant
166 EllekeGod has sworn
167 EllemiekeOf noble birth
168 EllemijnOf noble birth
169 Elriekeby powerful nobility
170 ElsanneGod has sworn
171 ElselienGod has sworn
172 ElsemiekGod has sworn
173 ElsemiekeDedicated to god
174 ElskeGod has sworn
175 ElzemiekGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
176 EmielGentle, friendly, competitor
177 Emkegreat, great
178 EmmekeWhole, comprehensive
179 Emmeliekevariant of Emma or Emily
180 EmmelienDerivation of a Germanic tribe named the "Amal" (effort)
181 Erjandull black, dark
182 EsraVariant of Ezra: Help, helper.
183 EsteeRigid
184 EustatiusQuiet
185 EvelienThe life giving
186 EvelijnThe life-giving, Breath of Life
187 EwoudRightful rule
188 FeddeFrisian and Groninger names. Eenstammige shortening of Germanic names, fred, Old Frisian e fr tho 'peace, protection' (see-fred-). It is a form of child language with the reduction in r.
189 Feikopeace
190 FemkeGirl
191 FennaCourageous protector
192 FiekeWisdom
193 Fienadded
194 FientjeMay the Lord add
195 FleurkeFlorisant flowering energetically
196 FleurtjeFlower - a nature name
197 FlipHorses friend
198 FloorFlourishing
199 Floortjebloom
200 FlorensAlso found in Du.
201 Florentijnflowering
202 FloresFlorisant flowering energetically
203 Florieke- A nature name
204 Fonswilling, subservient
205 FransienA Frenchman
206 FransjeA Frenchman
207 Freekpowerful protector
208 Freerkpowerful protector
209 FrenskeA Frenchman
210 FrijaMistress, Lady
211 Garrittderived from gerald rules by the spear
212 GeStrong spear
213 GeerdineStrong with the spear
214 GeerjanneStrong with the spear
215 Geerkethose familiar with the spear
216 GeertStrong with the spear
217 GeerteStrong with the spear
218 GeertenStrong with the spear
219 GeertjanCombination name of Geert (strong or brave with the spear or ruler with the spear) and John (God / Yahweh is gracious).
220 GeertjeStrong with the spear
221 GeertruidaStrong with the spear
222 GeesjeAppears in Friesland, Drenthe, Ov. and Gld.
223 GeldefsmanFrom Guelders.
224 GemkeJewel
225 GerardusStrong spear
226 GerbenSpear Bear
227 GeriekeThe powerful with the spear
228 GerjanStrong with the spear
229 GerjanneStrong with the spear
230 GerjenStrong with the spear
231 Gerkespear
232 GernoStrong spear
233 GerriekeStrong with the spear
234 GerritStrong with the spear
235 GerritaStrong with the spear
236 GertStrong with the spear
237 GertjanStrong with the spear
238 GeurtStrong with the spear
239 Gezina
240 GielHebrew for "Who is like God"
241 GijsbertRadiant arrow
242 GijsjeRadiant arrow
243 GinekeQueen
244 GiselaFrom the Old German word 'gisil', meaning pledge.
245 GnishildaGray battle maid.
246 GodelieveGod's Love
247 GodewynGood friend.
248 Govertliving under divine protection
249 GreetjeStrong with the spear
250 Gretjeornament
251 GrietPearl
252 GrietjePearl
253 GrishildeGray battle maid.
254 GrootLarge.
255 GudoWood
256 Gustwho is praised
257 Gustaafwho is praised
258 Guuswho is praised
259 Guusjewho is praised
260 Guustwho is praised
261 Haieverlatijnst
262 HajoHans and Joachim
263 HannekeYahweh is gracious
264 HarbinGlorious warrior.
265 Harmwarrior or (military) commander
266 Harmjanwarrior or (military) commander
267 HarmkeWarrior
268 Harrieruler King
269 HaukeFrisian name. Of the same tribe as Hugo.
270 Hedwichthe right track point
271 Heikoruler King
272 Heinruler King
273 HeleenTorch, the shining, brilliant
274 Hendricushomeland, power, ruler
275 Hendriekehomeland, power, ruler
276 Hendrikaruler, king
277 Hendrikjehomeland, power, ruler
278 Hendrinaruler King
279 Henkruler King
280 HenkieThe
281 HenkjanClear combination.
282 HermenWarrior
283 Hermienarmy, force
284 Hilbrandbattle
285 HillebrandBattle
286 HubertBright; intelligent.
287 Hubrechtgorgeous, shiny, radiant
288 HuibBright mind
289 Huibertgorgeous, shiny, radiant
290 HuigSoul, mind
291 HuubBright mind
292 HuugThinking spirit / mind / memory, heart, mind, soul
293 Idoefficacy
294 Iemkjegreat, great
295 IkaAppears in Drenthe and Ost-Friesland
296 Inekeclean or pure
297 IssacHe will laugh
298 Iwanthe archer
299 JaacHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
300 Jacobienhe heel grip
301 JacobieneHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
302 Jacolienhe heel grip
303 JacolieneHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
304 JacomijnHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
305 Janienke
306 JannekeGod is merciful
307 JanniekeGod is gracious
308 JanskeGod is gracious
309 JantienYahweh is gracious
310 JantinaYahweh is gracious
311 JanwillemGod is merciful
312 Japiehe heel grip
313 JasmijnJasmine
314 Jeltinavalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
315 Jeltovalue, payment, retribution, sacrifice
316 JennekeYahweh is gracious
317 JennoYahweh is gracious
318 Jeroenwith a holy name
319 JetThe mighty of residence, high-born
320 Jetjehomeland, power, ruler
321 JetteHome Ruler
322 JezusYahweh is salvation
323 JiltMoney
324 JoaniekeGod is gracious
325 JoannekeGod is gracious
326 JobkeThe trickster / the persecuted, Convicts, sick
327 JochemYahweh focuses on
328 JochumYahweh focuses on
329 Jodocuscombatant
330 JoepThe Lord's addition (to the family)
331 JoesMay the Lord add
332 JohannekeYahweh is gracious
333 JojannekeGod is gracious
334 JokeYahweh is gracious
335 JoliekeCombination of Johanna and Lieke, compare to Annelieke and Corné Lieke. Jolie may also increase.
336 JolienGod is gracious
337 JolijnGod is gracious
338 JonaPigeon
339 JoniekeGod is gracious
340 JonnekeGod is gracious
341 JoosMay the Lord add
342 Joosjecombatant
343 JooskeMay the Lord add
344 Jophe heel grip
345 JoppeHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
346 JorenFarmer
347 Joriekethe watchful
348 Jorijneditor of the Earth
349 Joriseditor of the Earth
350 JosMay the Lord add
351 JosjeMay the Lord add
352 JoskeMay the Lord add
353 JozenMay the Lord add
354 Juriaaneditor of the Earth
355 Jurianfarmer or husbandman
356 JurrenVariant of Jurn or George.
357 Jurriaanfarmer or husbandman
358 Jurrianeditor of the Earth
359 Jurrienfarmer or husbandman
360 JurrijnBoer
361 JustenRighteous
362 JuulPeople of Julus
363 JuulkeThe young man, dedicated to Jupiter
364 JuultjePeople of Julus
365 KaatjeClean and pure
366 Kaliekeyholder
367 KamielYoung ceremonial guardian
368 Karlienmeans the same as guy
369 Karlijnmeans the same as guy
370 Kastreasurer
371 KasperTreasure holder
372 KatrienClean and pure
373 KatrijnClean and pure
374 KeeThe horned
375 KeesThe horned
376 KeesieThe horned
377 KeetjeThe horned
378 KiekPearl
379 Klaartjebright, shiny, glossy
380 Klaasvictor by the people, loved by all
381 Klaasjevictor by the people, loved by all
382 KlazinaVictory
383 KlazinaveenPlacename
384 KnelisHorn
385 KoKing or emperor
386 Kobushe heel grip
387 KoosjeHe grabbed the heel, He will protect
388 KorThe horned
389 KorneelThe horned
390 KorsThe horned
391 Krijnlance zwaaier
392 Krisjeanointed
393 KrisoijnCurly haired.
394 Kristienanointed
395 KwintFifth
396 Laasvictor by the people, loved by all
397 Lammertvariant of Lambert
398 LarzLaurel.
399 Lauthe award-winning
400 Laukethe award-winning
401 Laurensthe award-winning
402 Laurienthe award-winning
403 Leenthe radiant, Strong as a lion
404 Leendertlion, hard
405 Leentjetorch, the radiant
406 Lennaertlion, hard
407 LennekeStrong and brave as a lion
408 LennerdStrong and brave as a lion
409 Lennertlion, hard
410 Lentespring
411 LeoniekeStrong and brave as a lion
412 LeontienStrong and brave as a lion
413 LetjeTiny and womanly.
414 Leviendear friend
415 LiekeThe unconcerned
416 LieneSoft, soft, nice
417 LienekeSoft, soft, nice
418 LienkeSoft, soft, nice
419 LiesGod has sworn
420 LiesbethGod has sworn
421 LieskeGod has sworn
422 LieveLoved by God
423 LievekeLoved by God
424 Lindertlion, hard
425 LinekeSoft, soft, nice
426 Linnekeshield of linden wood or hose
427 Lodewijkglorious war hero
428 LoekOne from Lucania
429 LoekieFull fame warrior
430 LoesGlorious warrior, a warrior loot or wise in all respects
431 LoesanneComposition of Loes from Louise and Anne from Anne.
432 LoesjeFull fame warrior
433 Lonnebelonging to Apollo
434 Lonnekebelonging to Apollo
435 Lorelayalluring
436 LorijnFrom Laurentum, Italy
437 LotjeDude, man, freeman
438 Lourensthe award-winning
439 Louwthe award-winning
440 LouwrensFrom Laurentum, Italy
441 Lowieglorious war hero
442 LowiekeFull fame warrior, a warrior for loot or in all respects wise
443 Luukfrom Lucania, light
444 Luuslighting
445 LydieFrom Lydia In Greece
446 Maaikeshapely clean
447 MaartjeThe little warrior
448 MaasMaas and Maasje occur in the province Utr. and adjacent Gld. areas (eg Kockengen, Zegveld, Lopik, Amerongen, Woudenberg and Hoevelaken). The name is usually seen as a shortening of Thomas. Damasus as originating in North Du. also possible, namely, that name was there once fairly widespread.
449 Maaykemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
450 Machielhe is like God
451 Machteldmighty in battle
452 MadeliefThe flower name, perhaps influenced by Daisy "daisy" and names with Made-(as Madelon) and sweet (like Godelieve).
453 Madelienvariant of Magdalena
454 MahaultPowerful
455 MannesWarrior
456 MansYahweh is gracious
457 MarcelDedicated to Mars, Roman god of war, warrior
458 MareikeSea Of Bitterness
459 MargjePearl
460 MargootjePearl
461 Margreetornament
462 MargrietPearl
463 Mariekeshapely clean
464 Marietjemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
465 Marijmarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
466 MarijaBitter Sea
467 Marijeshapely clean
468 Marijkeshapely clean
469 MarijnMarine
470 MarijneFrom the sea
471 MarijntjeFrom the sea
472 Marijsemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
473 Marikemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
474 MaritPearl
475 MarjoleinMaria+Lina
476 Marjoleinemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
477 Marjolijnmarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
478 Marliekeshapely clean
479 MarlienFrom the sea
480 MarliesFrom the sea
481 Marlijnshapely clean
482 Marlijneshapely clean
483 MarloeFrom the sea
484 MarloekeFull fame warrior
485 MarloesFull fame warrior
486 Marnixmarl
487 Marrigjehorse
488 Martthe biblical figure Marta
489 Marthijnwar
490 MartienDedicated to Mars
491 MartijnDedicated to Mars
492 Martjethe biblical figure Marta
493 Marysaderived from maria
494 MaryseVariant of Maria.
495 MatheuGod's gift
496 MathiesGift of the Lord, gift of God
497 MathijnGift from God
498 MathijsGift of the Lord
499 MathijssGift of the Lord, gift of God
500 MatijsGift of the Lord, gift of God
501 MatjeGift of the Lord
502 MatthijsGod's gift
503 MattijsGod gives
504 MaukMoor, inhabitant of Mauritania
505 MaupMoor, inhabitant of Mauritania
506 MauritsMoor, inhabitant of Mauritania
507 Maykeshapely clean
508 MechielWho is like God
509 Mechteldmighty in battle
510 MeesEagerly
511 Meeuwisson of Talmai or Tolmai
512 MelchertAppears in Friesland
513 MelisEagerly
514 MelsEagerly
515 Menkepower, strength
516 MerelBlackbird
517 Mereteornament
518 MerienFrom the sea
519 MerijnAppears in Ontario
520 MerlijnSea fortress
521 MertBrave
522 Mertijnwar
523 MetjeMighty warrior
524 MetteMighty warrior
525 MichielHebrew for "Who is like God"
526 MiekGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
527 MiekeGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
528 MielYoung ceremonial guardian
529 Miesjemarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
530 MijndertPower Strong
531 MirreMyrrh
532 MirteEver Green
533 MoonThe moon
534 MoosChild
535 Nankoventuring, brave
536 Nannoventuring, brave
537 NardStrong Bear
538 NaudHe who reigns as an Eagle
539 NautHe who reigns as an Eagle
540 NeelMy judge is God, Near, near
541 NeeleThe Horned
542 NeeltjeThe Horned
543 NelisThe horned
544 NelkeThe horned
545 NellekeThe horned
546 NerveStrong.
547 Nicolaasvictor by the people, loved by all
548 Niekvictor by the people, loved by all
549 NiekeVictory
550 NieneClean / pure, Merciful / sweet or other names ending in ina, Girl

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