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Boy names beginning with O

#Name Meaning
1 OliverEleven
2 OmarLife
3 OwenYoung warrior. Also can be a variant of Eugene: Well-born.
4 OnnoThe generous
5 Oviel
6 OleWhat remains of the forefathers
7 Oshmar
8 Oussamalion
9 Owemam
10 Orlandobrave, brave
11 Osvaldoshapely, clean
12 Otoocollecting sea shells in a basket
13 Olise
14 Otugoma
15 Odeke
16 OllieDiminutive of Oliver: Elf army. Can also be a variant of Olaf: Relic, ancestral heritage.
17 Orpaz
18 Oswaldoshapely, clean
19 OisinLittle
20 OnurHonor
21 Osmo
22 OsamaA
23 Orges
24 OskarSpear of the gods
25 OivaSuperior
26 OzzyDiminutive of Oswald: Divine power.
27 Onisimos
28 OrenJerusalem Pine
29 Okkevariant of Germanic
30 OmawnakwCloud feather (Hopi).
31 Onyxa semi-precious stone
32 OlympioFrom Mount Olympus
33 OthmanWealthy.
34 Odd Asbjørn
35 Origanal
36 OrrinThe name of an English river.
37 Owen Sparkes
38 OnaOne. Also a variant of Una: Lamb; together.
39 Oliviaolive tree
40 OttoWealth
41 OsmanGodly protection, a combination of the Old Norse words "ass" and "mundr."
42 Oraliz
43 Onterio
44 Oriol

Boy names starting with #


Girl names starting with #


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