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Rán (Given name)

Rán is a name for girls. English speakers can struggle with the pronunciation of this name.
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Meaning of Rán

The meaning of Rán is not known to us.


1 people with the name Rán voted on their name. Please vote on your name too.


Easy to write

Easy to remember


English pronunciation

Opinion foreigners

Suitable names

Suitable names for a sister of Rán are: Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, Sif, Jisoo. View more suitable names.


Rán occurs in the following categories:
Baby girl names with 4 letters250 namesGirl names beginning with R235 namesGirl names ending in N250 namesJapanese names592 names

Popularity Rán per year


Rán   03-12-2018
Rán appeard first in norse mythology. Aegir (pronounced “EYE-gir;” Old Norse Ægir) and Ran (pronounced “RAN;” Old Norse Rán) are two of the most often-mentioned giants in Norse mythology. Rán means godess of the sea

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